Sunday 29 September 2013

Evaluation of Filming the Preliminary Task

During the course of this first trial filming session, my group and I had our shots planned out according to the story board that we had made, making it much easier to know what we were shooting to complete the “story” that we had made up. With this created story board, it also allowed us to film shots in different orders when the location, of which they would need to be film, was being used.

Easiest Aspects-

During the filming, the easiest aspect, that I found, was the creation of the scene, with all of the “good ideas” my group and I kept having of where people could stand, how things could be arranged, such as furniture etc, what editing could be done in different places, and locations of different scenes, etc. We needed to stay realistic and stick to a simple plan for this preliminary task. The idea development of our film opening, however, is not an aspect that I am worried about for our real filming.

Harder Aspects-

The harder aspect of the filming, that I found, was getting the camera angles correct, visualising the shots being placed together and getting a level shot, all of which my group and I were able to eventually resolve. The only issue with it was the time. We had the whole idea in our heads, with exactly what to do, but we had to rush the last few shots, making them perhaps have errors that were not seen within them. Timing will defiantly be a big thing for our group to manage in our actual coursework based project.


We had to re-shoot a couple of times to get shots to be as we had visualised, but altogether, the filming of this first piece was very interesting, giving us an idea of what obstacles we will have to overcome when doing our coursework, such as the timing, and what extras we could add to the scene to make it look more authentic- within the mise en scene. It was also a successful first try of using the video camera and the tripod while looking at camera angles, lighting, locations and the story line, but with plenty of improvements still available to be carried out as we develop our skills in filming.


We now know that when doing our film opening, we would have to have every detail from the mise en scene to the lighting of the set planned and tested so that when it comes to editing, all the material that we need will be there, and we wont have to re-shoot.

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