Thursday 23 January 2014

Evaluation of Filming Flashbacks - 18/01/2014

On Saturday 18th January, we had planned to go to my grandparents house and use their garage as the location of our villain's hideout. We met at Bexleyheath as arranged around 1, where Annie and Raman had bought some extra things that we needed such as plastic to cover the table, candles and a red top. We already knew we were on quite a tight schedule due to the times that we were all available so we aimed to be done by 4.

We had chosen to change the actor we wanted to play our villain as we felt she looked too young and it didn't fit in with our storyline. As we also chose to completely disregard everything we had filmed over the Christmas holidays, it meant we had more choice with what happened in this scene.

Emily, our victim

For example, we realised it would be more appropriate for our victim to wear a top and a skirt rather than a dress as it would make is easier for the villain to get to her stomach. We kept in mind about how the colour red represents love and passion and decided to have her wear a red vest. Emily's dark hair is naturally wavy and she had already tied half of it into a ponytail so we decided to leave it like that and just mess it up a bit more.

Me doing Emily's hair

I then did her make up, aiming to make her eyes as dark as possible. I first applied eye-liner, eyeshadow and mascara before smudging it to make it look messy. I added blusher to her cheeks and used a combination of red lipstick and pink lip gloss for her lips.

Me doing Emily's make up

Annie then created the stomach wound which our villain would be making to get to the baby. She has evaluated this is her own post. (link)

Annie preparing to create the stomach wound

and again

Blood smears on Emily's arm

Side view of the stomach

Annie also used her special effects make up and fake blood to create a bruise and blood splatters on Emily's face. I felt this look was effective and suited the character well.

Creating a bruise

Adding the fake blood

Not much of the villain is shown so we didn't need our actor to be present so Annie put on the purple surgical gloves for some of the angles we used where the villains hands were in shot.

Annie wearing the villain's gloves

For the lighting in the garage, we decided to use my grandmother's lamp as it cast an orange light which was better than the bright white light from the torches, although we used them occasionally to create an even brighter light.

Raman holding the lamp

Raman holding the torches

We also used black bin-liners to eliminate the natural light coming from the window as it created a more gloomier atmosphere.

Raman and Hayley sorting out lighting

Blacked out windows

We also lit numerous candles and put them on the shelves in the corner, the next time we film with added mise en scene we are hoping to put more of them around the garage as they looked interesting and added another light source as it made it more creepier.

Raman lighting candles

I felt the mise en scene that we added to the garage was appropriate as the shots we were taking on that particular day would not show that much of the room. We just added a plastic covering to the table and floor as we felt our villain would want to be clean with his murders and would use it to protect the blood splattering everywhere.

Plastic covering the floor and table

The main problem was the timing, as we only really had a few hours to get everything set up and filmed and we knew it would be tough but I thought we did quite well considering the amount of make up we had to put on our actor and the mise en scene in the room that was needed.
Another major problem was that the camera ran out of battery half way through filming, but luckily we overcame this by realising we were able to film while the camera was plugged in charging, although it made it slightly more difficult. Often the camera would take a while to focus, due to the lighting and this ended up wasting more time than we would have wanted.

However, I do feel this filming session was a lot more successful than the first and hopefully the footage we have will be okay to use for the real film opening. 

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