Friday 17 January 2014

Shooting Script: Flashback Clips

Shooting Script: Flashback clips

Day: Saturday 18th January 2014

Meeting Location and Time: Bexleyheath Clocktower at 12.30

Filming Time: 1.30 - 3.00pm

Filming Location: Hayley's grandma's house

Annie - Filming, Special Effects
Hayley - Filming, Hair + Makeup
Raman - Filming, Mise En Scene
Emily - Actor

Victim -
Black skirt (Emily)
Red Top
Necklace (Annie)

Candles (Hayley)
Table (Annie)
Make-up (Hayley)
Fake Stomach (Annie)
Special FX make up (Annie)
Plastic (Annie or Raman)
Diary (Annie)

Camera (Hayley)
Tripod (Hayley)
Second camera (Raman)
Torches (Annie)
Black Card (Annie)

Outline of footage to be filmed:

Different shots of victim's death, planning to be used to represent flashbacks from the villains point of view.

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