Wednesday 29 January 2014

Evaluation of Special FX- Flashbacks

The special effects makeup pieces that I made for the flashbacks that we shot included:
  • The open stomach
  • Bloody wounds and bruises
During the preparation before shooting, when I was applying the open stomach to our victim, Raman recorded the creation process, of which I then edited and turned into a tutorial/overview of how I made this effect. This is shown in the video below: 

As you can see, most of the special effects pieces, only look really good, once the blood has been added to the made wound, however, I feel that this piece went really well.

Below, there are photos, in different angles and lighting, of the special effects makeup pieces that were applied to our victim.

The photos on this row show the blood smeared all over the victims face, a few bruises and cuts on the skin in different places that she was hit.

I am reasonably pleased with this effect, however, I would have preferred the look of sprayed blood on her face, rather than smeared, to make it look more authentic. However, as a viewer, and as the flash back scenes only show for a few seconds, I wouldn't think this would be a large problem.

On this row, the photos show the blood covering the gloves of the killer as he is cutting into the victim, pulling different body materials out from her stomach.

I really like this effect, looking really gory and gruesome, with different bits of the prosthetic coming away from our victims stomach, adding to the effect. This specific effect went much better than expected.

To the left shows the stomach wound in the lighting that we filmed it in, with all the fake blood covering her arm and clothing also applied, adding to the gory aspect to these quick flash back shots.

I was overall, really pleased with this stomach wound application, providing the appropriate effect for what we wanted to portray in these flashback scenes.

 To the right, the flashback, looking at the blood dripping off of the victims hand can be seen, really portraying death, pain and murder, the blood looking fresh and realistic.

I am, again, really happy with the outcome of this, the blood looking the appropriate red colour, rather than becoming a pink, unrealistic colouring, producing this nice, gruesome effect.

Overall, I was very pleased with the special effects makeup in this flashback scene, the effects proving to look even better on camera, than the did in real life. I am pleased that I tried out and experimented with techniques before shooting, however, to be able to create these high quality pieces that are perfect to be able to put in our film opening.

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