Monday 6 January 2014

Evaluation of Special FX makeup- Chase Scene Filming

To the left and right, you can see the final designs that I carried out for the special effects makeup on our victim and killer.

The killer, shown on the left, has the words "ADORE AND ENDURE ME" and "A+E" carved into his face at various places, looking pink and quite raw. The final product of this went quite well however the placement of the different "A+E" wounds looked a little odd. If I was able to do it again, I would add more of the "A+E" scars in more areas of the skin to make it look more like an obsession.

The victim has smudged makeup, a bleeding cut on her forehead and tear streaks down her cheeks. I was pleased with this finish, however I feel that it needed more intense makeup on the eyes to really over exaggerate her profession.

To the killer, I also added the planned "dry skin" effect to his hands, adding bruising and torn skin where he imposingly had punched the victim, but due to his soft fragile hands, they have been damaged quite badly. and to the victim, I added yellow bruised hand marks on her arms to show that he had been trying to restrain her. The finish of the hands, I feel, went exactly how I planned and was very realistic.

During filming, a feature in this scene was that the victim had cut herself on a sharp branch when running in the woods away from her killer. To create this, I made a quick wound on her arm, in the location that the branch would have caught her, adding a lot of gore to it so that the dripping blood that it left on the branch looked reasonable and not too over the top- trying to keep the idea that this is a slasher film, making it necessary for it to be gruesome to meet conventions. I do feel, however, that because I was forced to do this fake wound in such a rush in a difficult environment, it wasn't as realistic looking as it could have been.

Overall, I feel that this section of special effects makeup for shooting went really well, getting through the preparation stage fairly quickly, and with a good length of filming time to capture the shots that we had planned.

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