Tuesday 11 February 2014

Editing Candles and Jars Shots:

When we went to my grandma's garage on Sunday we set out the candles and the jars and I used a variation of different camera movements to film them. Some of them looked quite good but others were not as effective so it depends on the editing as to whether we use them in our actual piece.

I imported all the shots I thought could look good onto Final Cut Pro with the aim of editing them in a similar style that Annie and Raman had edited the flashback shots. I decided to go against using transitions and would just use simple straight cuts for the moment.

The video below is the original video that I took of the candles, a simple panning shot of the shelf, with the sound removed because as we plan to put sound over the top, we didn't worry about being completely silent and you could hear the talking in the background.

~ For the first panning shot, firstly I trimmed it down so it was only when the camera actually moved, rather than having the stationary section at the beginning and end. On the effects section under lights, I chose "Flashing" as I liked the way it made the candles stand out even more, I also added the "Film Grain" style afterwards. It was still really slow and boring so I re-timed it so it was 400x faster.

~ Next I decided to edit the zooming out shot and did the standard procedure of removing the audio and trimming it down. As the zoom is naturally quicker than when I did the panning shot, I only felt it was necessary to make it 200x faster as when it was on 400x, it went so quickly you barely saw it. I then added the cross hatch style effect over the top.

~ I decided to put the tilt shot next, which went upwards, after removing the audio and trimming it down I sped it up by 400% again as it looked a lot better when it was faster. I added the "Keyer" effect and the "Old World" effect as I thought the end result of putting them together was ideal.

~ The second tilt shot originally went upwards but to make it different from the previous shot I reversed the clip 400x faster so it looked liked it was going downwards and moved it to the beginning so it wasn't straight after the first tilt shot. I then added the "Luma Keyer" and "Super 8mm" effect to darken the image.

~ The last shot I used was a pan shot but I rotated the camera slightly as I moved it to make it slightly different from the previous angle. I experimented using the speed ramp option to re-time this section and ended up going from 400x - 200x - 100x - 50x throughout the clip as I liked the way it slowed it down, in addition to this I decided to add the "Prism" blur effect as I liked how the jars had flashes of green light on them.

This is the final version after the editing changes I made, I'm happy with how it went but I'm not sure if I'm satisfied with the end result and whether it looks successful or not. It depends on my group as to whether we actually include it in our coursework or maybe shorten it down slightly as 7 seconds is a lot of time for just one piece of mise en scene and there are other shots that we have taken which I could edit in a similar way to this but with the different objects.

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