Friday 28 February 2014

Evaluation of Filming the Chase Scene

On Saturday 8th February, we filmed the chase scene under a bridge in Bexleyheath. We liked this area because it had this triangular construction < which we felt would be appropriate for the killer to corner the victim upon, and then strangle her. Filming this part went quickly and smoothly; Hayley filmed (she filmed and directed the whole of the chase scene) and Annie and I provided lighting.

When we were filming on the stairs, however, it was difficult to illuminate the actors without making them too bright, otherwise it would not have looked like the scene was at night. Annie and I had to keep the torches still because of some of the footage, we could see the light moving on the brick wall, so we had to re-do it.

These are the roads surrounding the tunnel which we filmed along. As it was tedious to keep moving out extra equipment, I stayed with it under the bridge while Annie and Hayley went down these roads to film.

The victim's make-up by Annie. This was very quick to do, it took about 5 minutes then we filmed the strangle part.
The killer's mask.
Hayley filming, Annie and I holding the torches.

Also, we filmed on the bridge, along the pavement which was easy to film because it was late in the evening and there were not many cars driving past.

We filmed a low-angle shot of the victim running along the bridge, with camera under the bridge. This was quite difficult to film because the railing on the bridge covered most of the actors, we were only able to see the top of their heads. To resolve this, we told the actors to stand closer to the railing so we could clearly see their heads as they ran.

Us watching through footage to see if we needed to make amendments.

During the filming process, it began to rain so I held an umbrella over the camera and Hayley.

Overall, the filming process of the chase scene went very well; better than the first attempt. Our actors' clothes and props were as my group wanted, and the location was good because we were able to utilise the stairs, bridge, under the bridge and side roads to create an effective chase scene.

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