Thursday 6 February 2014

Editing Flashbacks - Effects

I investigated different effects:

Memory: created a 'washed-out/faded' effect which is appropriate because this is a 'memory' the killer is recalling.

 I tested the Romantic effect and this did not do much, it simply blurred the edges of the shot.
 The Seasons effect changed the colour of the clip to dark blue which downplayed the gruesomeness of the wound, so I chose not to include this effect because this is a slasher where the conventions are to be as gory as possible.
 Sepia changed the colour to a beige tone, this also understated the blood and bruises on the victim's face. Therefore, I chose not to insert this effect on the clip.
 I tested the Side Lights effect and this did not make much difference. It made the clip a little brighter but bright lights are not a typical slasher convention so I did not include that.

Old World: made the clip darker however I did not like that because it did not emphasize the blood and bruises on her face.
So I played around with the colouring and intensified the colour, increased the saturation and decreased the exposure to highlight the blood all over the victim.
Next, I tested some effects on the clip and tried threshold. This effect added on the colour change intensified both the blood and the bruises which is good as our film is a slasher.
This effect I tested was called Bleach Bypass, I did not like this effect because it did not make a significant difference to the clip.
This effect is called Glory & I liked this because it is glorifying the victim's mutilated dead body, making her look angelic and innocent when she is actually the opposite.

Next, I tried Flashing as well as increasing the clip's exposure and this worked very well. The Flashing effect zoomed into the stomach and Annie preferred this to other effects.

On this clip I changed the colouring and increased the colour and exposure and fully increased the saturation to add a harsh red glow to the victim's face. Also, I added the Prism effect which made the clip fuzzy.

With this clip, I split off the last second and added the X-Ray effect so it flashes from the normal colouring to the X-Ray for a second then moves on to the next clip. I chose to have this because I was inspired by Se7en's opening credits.

Annie & I slowed down this clip because we could see the victim breathing slightly, and I added the Sci-Fi as it exaggerated her bruises, blood and wound. This effect is also on a second long split clip so it flashes up, catching the audience off-guard.

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