Tuesday 25 February 2014

Editing of Production Company and making changes

 Now that I had created the dripping text of our production companies name, "KILLS PRODUCTIONS", and we had the footage of the wound that Raman had created dripping blood within a sink, I needed to merge them together, creating the effect that my group and I had discussed.

However, on trialling this out, I was unable to manipulate the footage of the special effects make-up to incorporate the video of the dripping text made in Photoshop, and when I researched on how to do this, I found that it wasn't really possible unless you had "After Effects" software downloaded. I wasn't even able to add an effect to make it look as if the text was dripping down with the blood, adding a caption rather than using the Photoshop video. And therefore, I was forced to have to think of something else to make our production company extract, rather than what I had planned and created- the dripping text of the production companies name.

On researching, I found a number of different inspirations that I could apply to the special effects footage, however, there was one picture that I saw that really caught my eye- shown to the left.

I decided to re-create this image, applying the name of our production company, "KILLS PRODUCTIONS", rather than "ZOMIE". The idea was to then have the image follow the footage of the sfx wound that Raman had made.

So, after I had created my version of the image above, shown to the right, I carried out my plan, adding it to the footage of the special effects makeup created wound, also applying the original music that I had been planning to use in my previous blog post about the production company.

You can see the result in the video shown below:

As you can see, this experiment didn't go very well- I really didn't like the finished result. I decided to start yet again, taking the sfx wound footage in the sink, and seeing what I could do with the resources on final cut pro.

Below shows screen shot of what I did to this footage, creating the result that I was finally happy with as our production company:

In the screen shot above, you can see the user face of final cut pro, of which I have uploaded the sliced wrist special effects makeup footage onto. On here, I have many effects- sound and visual- that I can experiment with, compared to what I have been using- MovieMaker at home.

Looking through the options of titles, I found a title called "Dramatic" that takes the title, and makes the words get bigger on the screen. Liking this effect, I added the name of the production company "KILLS PRODUCTIONS", looking at the effect that it gave.

To get a better idea of what it would look like, I also changed the font, choosing "GAZ" which was a block lettering font with parts of the letters looking "damaged"- adding more texture than the normal block letting.

This is what the words looked like, zooming out as a transition- and I found that I really liked it.

Looking at the footage I had so far, I felt it looked too plain for a production company extract, and so I looked at the effects that were given. Eventually, I chose to add the "Quick Flash/Spin" effect to the first section of the clip, creating close up shots of the wound before the rest of the video was played with no effects, introducing the "KILLS PRODUCTIONS" text after the Quick Flash/Spin effect.

Going through the sound options available, I chose to add two "Low Frequency Hit FX" sounds where the Quick Flash/Spin effect occurred, using the dramatic thumping sounds to add to the building of tension.
I also added the sound of a photocopier to the rest of the extract, adding background noise that fit the image on screen, not sounding too out of place.
To the photocopier sound, I also edited the last few seconds, making the intensity of the music die down so that it would have a smoother transition out of the production company extract and into the film opening footage.

At this point, I was happy with what I had done, but wasn't completely finished with the audio. It just needed something else to finish it off. To resolve this, I added a low level, background water dripping sound to the whole of the extract, adding a more realistic sound to be seen in a bathroom- where the footage is filmed- and also linking to the dripping of blood into the sink.

Finally, I edited the sound of the water dripping so that it got quieter at the end of the extract, again making it have a smoother transition when leading into the rest of the film opening video.

Below, you can see the finished video of the production company extract:

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