Friday 4 April 2014

Finalising the film opening video

Being our official deadline today, my group and I needed to make sure that our film opening was perfect and complete. Below shows the editing that I carried out to produce our final product, of which we have published on YouTube as the official "A+E" two minuet film opening.

The first step in this process was to replace the chase scene's original non-diegetic sound with the sound that Hayley and I found that we felt would be more appropriate to the genre of the film, being a slasher. The sound that I input, "Free Sound FX Horror Spooky Film Theme Scary", suited the footage really well. I simply needed to do minor edits to the footage to make the sound fitting, the "bangs" within the sound linking to changes in shot, and the tension building through the scene, linking to the quick paced editing of the struggle at the end.

Once this was added, I then looked at the heart beating sound played within the struggle between the killer and victim at the end of the scene. Manipulating it, and moving it around, I was able to edit it so that it linked to the beats of the death scene non-diegetic sound, making the transition from the chase scene to the death scene sound smoother. This, however did take some time.

I then fixed the death scene diegetic sound so that the change from the intensifying, building up in the non-diegetic music peaked to where it then dipped to a deeper, calmer sound, creating an after effect of the build up, and ending the extract off nicely. I wanted the sound transition to be placed at the correct point, rather than where it was in the first draft. I moved it to dip at the start of the clip where you see the killer close the victims eyes and the editing goes from lots of quick straight cuts to one longer continuous shot, rather than halfway through the longer shot. This looked much better, making the extract "flow" more continuously.

Next, I fixed the positioning all of the diegetic sounds within the death scene, making sure that they matched the visuals on the screen.

Deciding with Raman that we didn't like the scream that was originally in place, we went back onto the freesfx site that I used to collect the diegetic sound effects for the death scene, finding a more appropriate scream. This I input into the correct position, matching the visuals on the screen.

Not liking the sound transition from the chase scene into the death scene still, I cut the scream up, elongated it so that as soon as the scream dissipates, the initial "bang" of the death scene non-diegetic sound initiates. This seemed to make the audio transfer from the chase scene to the death scene much better.

Finally, I watched the entire sequence through a few more times, tweaking certain inconsistencies related to the sound and footage.

The editing that Raman and I carried out today was to fix any problems highlighted from the comments made on our first draft, of which we produced on the 28th of March, listed by Hayley in a previous blog post. We also fixed problems that the group had with the video. The video of our final product is shown below:

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