Wednesday 9 April 2014

Representation of Gender:

Although we only have two characters in our film opening, the stereotypes and representations of gender are clearly displayed in our victim and villain.

The stereotypes of males are that they are strong, dominant, in control, more violent and have power over women. The stereotypes of females are that they are weaker, more vulnerable, more emotional and can be under the control of a man.
Our two characters conform to these stereotypes as the villain is expressing his power over the victim and feels like he has the right to end her life as punishment for being a prostitute and becoming pregnant.

In horror films, the villain is often a male as they are seen as more threatening, more scary and therefore more likely to be capable of harming people without feeling guilty. The victims will generally be females as they are more innocent and vulnerable and will be easier to 'be murdered' by a man.

The fact that our victim is a female also ties in with what people first think about prostitutes as she is wearing revealing clothing and is hanging around in a dodgy area, if we chose a male to be the victim it wouldn't be as obvious and might confuse our audience which isn't really our aim.

People look down on prostitution and dismiss those who work in the field and in the media they are mostly portrayed in a negative light and that they like what they do, which is true for some cases but we wanted to show the other side, how some are forced into it and don't have a choice, making the audience feel sympathetic for them, which they wouldn't usually do.

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