Thursday 3 April 2014

First Draft Responses:

We were told to complete a first draft by the 28th March which would then be shown to other media students who would comment on it, saying what they thought worked well and what we needed to improve on.


After uploading this, we realised some of the sounds were at a different volume than what we wanted and the overall quality of the opening was reduced, therefore Annie edited the volume so it was all sounded how we expected it to be and re-uploaded.

What they liked: 

  • Most people got the fact that the genre was a horror/slasher and said that it was clear. 
  • The main feature that was mentioned was our mise en scene - the blood and gore etc, most people thought it looked really effective and as that was the main aspect of our opening, it was good to see that they thought it looked good.
  • The diegetic sound effects such as the squelching was effective.
  • There was a good range of shots, particularly the camera angles in the chase scene.
  • The jump cuts at the end worked well as the tension builds up.

What they thought could be improved on:

  • Some people had problems with the typography and the amount of time it remains on screen as they felt it flashes on and off too quickly, making it hard to read, in addition to this some weren't some if the "A + E" shown in the transition between the chase scene and death scene was effective.
  • Title at the end is too short, needs to remain on for longer so people get time to read it properly.
  • Adding more pace to the beginning shots (chase scene) especially the struggle, as some thought it should look more frantic.

What we're going to do:

  • We removed the "A + E" title in between the scenes as it was unnecessary and if people didn't think it worked it wasn't really worth trying to edit it. 
  • Extended the amount of time the forehead is shown at the end so it is easier to read. 
  • Edit the timing of the credits so they stay up for longer.


The non-diegetic music has always been a problem for us and this was highlighted in the comments, when we received contrasting feedback, with some saying it worked well and others saying it didn't fit the genre and was quite repetitive.
A few people said that the death scene music becomes too action-like at the end, however as it is one clip, if we were going to try and edit it, it would mean we would have to change the music for the whole death scene which would be quite difficult.
In my opinion, even if it doesn't fit the genre that well, I feel it works well as music for a film opening and helps reinforce that.
Most people seemed to think the chase scene music was okay, however that was the bit we weren't happy with ourselves so it's highly likely we're going to change it, if not then edit it so it sounds different.

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