Thursday 3 April 2014

Representation of Sexuality within our film opening

Thinking about the representation of different themes within our film opening, I decided to look at the way that sexuality is explored within the final product that we have created.

Sexuality is actually a very big part of the representation within this film opening, shown using both of the characters, but in two very different ways.

The victim, being a prostitute, presents herself as an overtly sexual object, enhanced by the fact that she sells herself for money. Shown in the film opening to be wearing revealing clothing, of which she hides with a coat, coloured red to represent the artificial love and lust that is present in her job, and heavy makeup, it is clear that she is comfortable with her sexuality, and uses it to survive in her world.

Completely contrasting to this view, the killer is very inward and distasteful of anything sexual. He keeps a diary full of his thoughts on the subject, going over and over how "dirty" it is to be associated with anything of that context, repeatedly calling his victims "whores", judging them for the way that they live their lives. He even kills his victims for being like this, collating the foetus' of their unborn children with the intention of "protecting" them from this vulgar way of life.

The idea of sexuality being explored more within this film, if it were to be continued, would be an interesting subject to look into, creating more of a depth to the story line. I like that within our film opening of A + E, it not only depicts most of the conventions of a slasher film, but also touches on controversial issues that could be looked into further, if the film was to be developed more.

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