Friday 4 April 2014

Improving Sound from Preliminary Task

The sound from our preliminary was not good: the non-diegetic music when the students are leaving school is too jolly, and includes a woman saying "audio jangle" which may mean it is copyrighted. Also, the diegetic sound of the girl being hit over the head was too loud and not very realistic. However, one thing that worked was the school bell sound was realistic and was the right volume.

From this, our group learnt to include non-diegetic music which is appropriate for the genre and the plot. Also, we learnt not to make diegetic sounds too loud and put them at precisely the right moment as the clip so the sequence seems as realistic as possible. The feedback we received from our first draft of A+E told my group that the diegetic noises (eg squelching) were very good which proves that we have improved. Also, the feedback told us that some enjoyed the non-diegetic music, however some said they did not like it (eg they said the initial chase scene music was not appropriate for a scary/dangerous chase). However, as a final tweak, my group changed the music that did not work so it was more appropriate to the genre and plot.

Lastly, in the preliminary task we included diegetic dialogue however this did not work well because at times it was hard to understand what the characters were saying. Therefore, in our film opening we did not include any dialogue because we wanted the mise en scene (the opened stomach, the killer's forehead, the dolls, mask and so on) to have the most attention.

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