Friday 13 December 2013

Additional Ideas for Storyboard

For the killer's diary, we have decided to use very formal, and fancy handwriting as seen in Anne Frank's diary, because it is adds to the old-fashioned theme of our project (which includes a record player and old music being played).

Similar to Anne Frank's diary, we will have pictures of folklore foetuses and pregnant women, as mentioned in a previous post, to emphasise his obsessive nature to the audience.

Also, I think that we should have an extreme close up of some book titles (idea of books from Annie's post) - we have a book called Fear is Key, and we could get some books about pregnancy, post-natal depression, operations, sedatives, women's health and so on. This close up will give the audience a greater insight into his obsession with women, so I feel that we should include this, even if it is for a split second.

From our trip to Shoreditch, Annie and I went into a vintage store and saw a basket with women's purses in it and this gave us the inspiration to, perhaps, have a basket with all his victim's clothes in. If we were to have this, the clothes, shoes, purses and so on would serve as souvenirs of his victims which, again, highlights his fascination and obsession. This can be shown using a close ups so the audience can see the items properly.
As well, in the middle of the room there is going to be a table so the victim is the centre of attention for the audience. The table is going to have plastic on it so the blood collects itself to make the death more gory and gruesome. From Annie's post, she included pictures of a victim on a cloth on a table, however we want to incorporate some of Dexter's room (in the same post) so we will use plastic instead of cloth.
My group decided that the killer is going to wear a mask to cover his face which will have Adore & Endure carved into his forehead. In the chase scene he will be wearing a mask, then in the operation scene he will be wearing a doctor's mask and scrubs to tell the audience that he is a professional, but crazed and does not operate to save people, he does it to kill them. This is similar to an episode of Hannibal where a mentally unstable doctor operated on someone, taking out their organs one by one to see the minimum number of organs the victim can survive without.

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