Tuesday 17 December 2013

Production Company Project : Hayley

Creating our own Production Company:

As a group we had to think about creating our own production company and we decided that we would all create our own version and then see which one we liked best or include aspects of all three. As I wasn't happy with my previous examples, I decided to focus more on the typography of the lettering. I watched the YouTube video below on how to create the blood dripping effect and for the moment decided to place it onto a plain black background. After playing around with the different tools, I decided to change the aim so it was all twisted and creepy rather than the blood dropping.

This is how the typography turned out, this could be effective for my idea if I decide to have the blood dripping down the whole of the screen, to reveal these letters.

Continuing on with this simplistic idea, I added the picture to Photoshop  in the hope of adding a knife slashing sound effect. I decided the one below was simple enough and converted it into an MP3 format. I then added this into the project and made sure it was at the correct time.

The video below is the clip complete with knife sound, but it is of a very low quality and can be improved greatly. If we manage to include the blood dripping down effect in our finished product I think it would look more professional.

When using Adobe Illustrator to try out the dripping paint effect, I had a lot of trouble from the beginning, I couldn't seem to even find the simple circle tool but after a while and looking online at a lot of tutorials and help sites I managed to find my way around the program.

Following the tutorial above, I managed to create some simple red 'paint' drips which I can edit to appear more like blood, by changing the colour, and the consistency. I am then hoping to edit the text onto it to make the idea for the production company.

With the combination of mine, Raman's and Annie's ideas we are hoping to have the blood dripping down from the letters but maybe with the writing on the sink it could be effective.

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