Thursday 5 December 2013

Practical Investigation: Chase Scene (2)

Practical Investigation of a Chase Scene:

This was already Raman's Practical Investigation (and you can see it here) but one day after school, I happened to be staying after school and I had some really good ideas so I tried it out with my friend Catherine. Overall I felt that some of the angles were good but the lighting wasn't that good as it started to get dark quite quickly although in some of them it does look effective. If doing this again, I would definitely do it earlier in the day to get better lighting and I would also use a better camera as I recorded it on my phone, which doesn't have a high quality camera. I do however think it gave me a good idea of what to do in our final piece and what camera angles/movement would be successful.

When uploading the videos to YouTube, I chose to automatically enhance the lighting and stability issues, in some of them I think it has improved it so I decided to keep it in.

It's hard to tell from the lighting but this was in the wooded area, I'm not too sure about the darkness, I think it looks unprofessional and you can't see her running properly but on the other hand I like that fact that she suddenly appears in the light and you don't really see her coming. Although the attempt at a tracking shot didn't work that well, I think the idea of making her wear her white shirt shows up well on the video and in the darkness.

This is probably my favourite video out of the selection because I like the colour of the sky and that fact that she is silhouetted as she jumps. I also like the low camera angle used as I think it is an interesting variation from the typical angles. It also makes the gate seem higher and therefore her desperation to get away even harder. As she runs for a bit at the end, I think it would be better to either trim it down or to have the villain follow her in (but fast walking, I don't think he would run), showing that by having to jump up and then down, it has made him catch up with her.

I thought that originally this clip was one of the better ones, but the editing automatically done by YouTube has made it seem more disorientated, almost resembling her dizziness as she jumps off the gate. Obviously if we used this type of match on action shot we would have to make sure the movements she did were exactly the same for both angles, as for this one she gets stuck on the gate at one point and almost falls over.

With this one, obviously the lighting was major issue and the editing has just made it even more difficult to see the subject, however I do like the end result of the villain closing in on the victim and moving the camera right into her hair. That idea we could replicate wherever the location if we are choosing to have him capture her in such a way, this shot could easily be replicated up against a tree or a wall.

This one was okay, I liked the white of the shirt again and I felt it stood out more when she grabbed the tree, if we did decide to do this type of shot then I feel it would be more effective to have the villain follow her in almost the exact same place. We could also put more focus into the tree and have different angles but having the trees to be almost the main focus.

This angle didn't really work, the light was too dark and the subject goes by extremely quickly, however if filmed correctly with the ideal conditions, I could see that this angle would be effective, in particular for our film opening as we are hoping to have it fast paced, to show how urgent she is to get away from the killer.

Again, the editing made the film even darker than it was originally but I don't think it changed it too much. I like the idea of filming through a metal fence with the subject extremely close as it represents the target being so close but yet there is a barrier in the way. I think that this angle was quite effective but in our opening, I'm not sure if we are going to have a fence in the area or if it will just be trees but the same effect can still be applied.

The auto-fixing that YouTube did make it almost impossible to see her so this is one which I think did not improve and instead reduced the quality. It was quite quick as well and I don't think a small side angle of her running would fit in well with the ideas for our opening.

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