Tuesday 31 December 2013

Collection of props

During our Christmas holidays, we needed to collect and/or buy all of the necessary props that we need for our film opening, as well as film the chase scene. As a group, we got together and wrote a list of all of the props we had, and the ones that we needed to get. Below shows the list of items that were assigned to me to collect, all of which are mostly for the killers den, used for the death scene.

Props to get:

  • books on bookshelf 
  • "torture table" 
  • bowl for excess body material 
  • foetus in jar
  • Tools

  • Actors costume material to get:

    • necklace - cross (to be ironic because she is a prostitute, contrasting with the Christian religion)
    • trench coat
    • flat cap 

    Books on bookshelf

    This is the collection of books that I have selected to be used for our film opening, residing on the bookshelf within the killers den. The topics of books range from those on the human boy, medical books and books with titles that link to "killers".

    Torture table

    The table in the photograph to the left is what we will use for the "torture table" placing plastic sheeting on top of it, allowing us to smother it in blood from the wounds that will be applied to the victim.

    Bowl for excess body material

    To the left and right shows the bowel that will be used for the excess body materials that the killer takes out of the victims stomach when he is cutting into her.

    I chose this type of bowl as I feel that it has a plain metallic look, such that a surgeon might use- linking to the back story of our killer being an ex-surgeon.

    Foetus in jar

    For the foetus' in jars, I bought six separate jars at the pound store, filling them with water and colouring the water to look discoloured, taking inspiration from my research into foetus' in jars. I then attempted creating the foetus' themselves, however, this was much harder than I first thought.

    In the end, I was resolved to simply make the liquid less opaque and use oranges of which I manipulated to look more like the shape of foetus'.

    This didn't really turn out how I would have liked, but I didn't really know what to do. Putting the foetus jars into our killers den, however, along with candles illuminating the shelf, I feel that they look better than they could have. Photos of this can be shown above to the left and right.

    Cross necklace

    To the left you can see the cross necklace that I already had in my possession.

    Trench coat

    In regards to the trench coat, I had to borrow one of my Granddads coats, of which looks like the one shown to the right, that we could use. This, being quite large, will be slightly too big for our actor playing the killer, however, it will also make him look bigger and more disguised- adding to the killers intimidating appearance, emphasised with the scars on his forehead.

    Flat cap 

    To the right is a photo of the flat cap that will be used for our film opening. This will add to the killers appearance along with the trench coat.


    Finally, the tools that we will use are shown to the right. They include all of the weirdest looking utensils that I could find, including a pizza cutter. The objects that I have collected also contain tools that I have found in my garage.

    As seen in the photo to the right, we will cover all of the tools and the bowl for excess body material in blood- adding to the gore, enhancing the conventions of the slasher genre.

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