Thursday 12 December 2013

Deconstructions of Existing Professional Production Companies for Slasher/Horror

Evil Dead
TriStar Production Company is represented by a horse that enters the screen through a god-like strobe of light around clouds which gives us a heavenly image. This does not fit in with the slasher genre of Evil Dead and seems quite misleading, so for our opening we should have a production company which hints to the audience what our genre is.

The next production company for Evil Dead is Film District and the camera moves down the sides of buildings then tilts upwards where Film District fades in an establishing shot of the buildings. This gives off an action genre, again, not Evil Dead's slasher genre.

Ghost House Pictures is the next production company for Evil Dead and this is more suitable to its genre because it shows a close-up of a doorknob and the door closing by itself which is scary because this has a supernatural element to it. Then, a skull appears in the keyhole - skulls symbolising death and disease. Also, the dark colours and low key lighting create a gloomy atmosphere. This is a better production company because it hints the genre to the audience, including the name.


American Mary
The first production company is Industry Works and has an image of a factory on a hill surrounded by clouds. Industry Works is 'wiped' on the hill and looks metallic, then each letter flashes light as if light has been passed over it. This bring attention to the name, especially as it is against a black backdrop. This fits in well with American Mary's slasher genre because it is dark and sinister looking.

The next production company is tt and this, like Industry Works, is against a black background which makes the name look more mysterious. However, a 'sun' rises behind the name which then subverts the previous mysteriousness theme and makes it seem playful and happy. This makes the production company seem versatile - that it can produce films of different genres. We would not have a flexible production company animation because our opening is only 2 minutes so we want to suggest our slasher genre as much as possible.

The Crazies
Overture is the first production company for The Crazies and it begins with a strip of blue shining over and across the name, which then illuminates for the audience to see properly. 'Films' then appears underneath, and shortly after 'a STARZ company'. To me, this seems quite cluttered because more words keep coming up when I believe that it should just be the name so it looks neater and more professional. So, for our production company we will include only the name, no other words.

Next, Participant Media appeared through a series of vertical multi-coloured lights and then the letters are pulled together from left and right. Once only the name is showing, fire blazes the screen which washes out the name and this fire is part of the opening of The Crazies so incorporating the opening with the production company looks interesting and professional.

Boogeyman 3
Stage 6 is the first production company and the logo is already on the screen. It keeps moving up and down slightly as if shown in an old cinema, then the background repeatedly changes to white and 'Films' appears. This does not indicate what type of genres Stage 6 caters for which is beneficial because, again, it shows its versatility.

Ghost House Pictures produces this film as well which proves that it is suitable for slasher and horror films. Also, it proves that it is a trusted company because they make popular films.
The production company name is shown again and this exits the screen when the camera is panning across a wall. This effect, as with The Crazies, makes the opening seem more professional and continuous because they are both smoothly incorporated.
For our production company, we should indicate to the audience what the genre is so they have a better understanding of our opening. Also, it must be quite simple with not a lot happening so to keep the audience engaged and not to confuse them. In addition, we should incorporate the opening with the production company animation as it looks better and more professional.

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