Sunday 2 March 2014

Non-Diegetic Chase Scene Music Creation:

I had originally planned for the chase scene to have the music I mentioned in the previous post but after a discussion with my group we agreed it didn't really work with the atmosphere we were trying to portray. I then decided to look into, with the help of my friend, making our own with Logic Pro and keeping it similar to the one I had chosen while making it more intense and more fast paced.

However I encountered problems when trying to get the simple piano setting up on Logic so I decided to switch to GarageBand which in my opinion is more user friendly.

We started by trying to create a similar sound to the original music with the idea of adding layers to it to make it more intense, but by building up to the moment at the end through the use of volume, pace and pitch.

We recorded a simple regular pattern that would serve as the base for our music and we would create all the other layers around it by changing the pitch and making it an octave lower or higher.

We then added to it, repeating the same pattern but with a higher and lower pitch so it was the same sound but at three different pitches, making it more interesting rather than just the one sound level.

We also added a drone sound effect by having a low note playing for a few seconds at regular intervals.

We then realised we didn't like the way it began and moved everything to a few seconds later so we could include a beginning pattern that would then lead into the big build up of sound.

We then continued to add more and more different sounds and patterns that we thought sounded effective and would increase the tension in the scene and highlight her desperation as she's trying to get away.

We used the fading out technique to see if it would be better to cut it off completely and then have the heartbeat sound or to fade it out slightly and build in either the heartbeat or other music that would be used for the death scene. After trying it out we decided it didn't work and left it at staying at the normal volume as the amount we had recorded would be too long for the chase scene so it would have to be trimmed down on Final Cut Pro.

After consulting with my group and our teacher, we realised it wasn't as effective as we had hoped and it didn't really work with the footage, as to cut down the time of our opening, a lot of the clips had been sped up and this made the scene look slightly comical and like a 'silent movie'. In order to use this piece of music we would have to slow down either the footage or the music and that could make it lose the urgency factor which is key for our opening.

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