Saturday 8 March 2014

Practical - Designing Dolls

I found these two pictures online and these inspired me to put dolls in our film opening. I felt that the dolls would emphasize his fascination with women. The dolls in these pictures aren't clothed and some have limbs missing. I liked this idea, but decided to draw on the naked dolls as well. Not only would this make the killer seem more haunting and psychotic, but it will also hint that he is lonely and unfulfilled as he spends his time killing women and drawing on dolls.

I wrote words associated with death, murder and sex such as "HELL"  "TORTURE"  SIN"  "SCREAM"  "WHORE"  and rearranged letters of words like 'you' to say "OYU" to show his delusion. Also, I put question marks, 666 and Christian crosses all over their bodies - 666 = Anti-Christ, Crosses = Pro-Christ and the question marks showing his confusion.

I drew thick black Xs on all the dolls, where their wombs are, so where the baby is. The X marks where he cuts them open - X is where his 'treasure' is.

Also, I put a thick black strip over all the dolls' necks because the killer strangles his victims - the audience see this in the opening. I also marked over their eyes to represent how the killer does not care about his victim being a human - she is just an object. As well, I made their hair messy which represents their struggle - as they ran away from him and was strangled and dragged around, their hair became untidy.

On the day in the shed, there was a box of nails which sparked the idea of putting some on the cross on her stomach to show that he is destroying the fetus behind the X mark.

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