Friday 29 November 2013

Deconstruction: Actors

Deconstruction of actors in films:

Tobin Bell:

~ Tobin Bell (age 71 - born 1942) is an American film and television character actor who often plays the serial killer or general villain in the films he stars in. He is most well-known for playing John Kramer/Jigsaw in the Saw films and his trademark low raspy voice. Ironically he is not a fan of horror films, even though his portrayal of Jigsaw has made him one of the most famous villains of all time. 
~ Although he considers his role in Saw to have been a great blessing, he hopes to have the opportunity to be cast against type. In 2006 he won the 'Best Villain' Fangoria Chainsaw Award for Saw II and in 2009 he won the Chiller-Eyegore Award in the 'Best Villain in a Series' category for the Saw franchise. He was also nominated for 5 other 'Best Villain' awards for Saw II, Saw III and Saw IV.

Robert Englund:

~ Robert Englund (age 66 - born 1947) is an American leading actor of a number of horror films, who is probably best known for his portrayal of the serial killer Freddy Krueger in A Nightmare on Elm Street and all of it's sequels. Although being nominated for a few awards, Englund has not actually won any awards with his role of Krueger, he won 'Best Actor' for his character in The Mangler and also 'Lifetime Achievement' and 'Life' Career' awards. 
~ He is also one of only two actors to act out a horror character eight consecutive times although before being chosen to play Freddy Krueger, a lot of Englund's other roles were typical geeky or nerdy characters. He says that he enjoys the role of Freddy as it gives him a break from always acting out the nice guy.

Gunnar Hansen:

~ Gunnar Hansen (age 66 - born 1947) is an American actor and author, best known for playing the mentally impaired cannibal Leatherface in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre. Interestingly, he was asked to reprise the role of Leatherface in the 2003 remake of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre but declined, saying he was insulted by the idea of a remake. The majority of his films are of the horror genre and he uses a chainsaw in at least one movie every decade, The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974), Hollywood Chainsaw Hookers (1988), Mosquito (1995) and Chainsaw Sally (2004).

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