Thursday 28 November 2013

Practical Investigation: Typography of Production Company

~ As a group we decided we wanted to create our own production company if possible and we wanted the name to also relate to the slasher genre as that would be the type of films it would produce. Somehow we though of 'Kills' as in a combination of our surnames (the 'K' from Annie Kemp, the 'ill' from Raman Gill and the final 's' from Hayley Tibbs. At the same time it fits in with the horror/slasher genre with the whole murdering and death theme going on. Firstly I went onto and looked at some of the different font styles that had and how I could edit them to make them more related to the slasher genre.

~ For my first example I decided to use the 'Skate' option as although it reminded me originally of a more urban font, I thought that if I changed the colour from blue to red it would make it much more like a horror font, due to the blood reference. I also edited some of the other features like the outline colour and width. I think for a first attempt, this wasn't that bad and that I actually quite like the end result and think it's quite effective.

~ For these two ideas I used 'Legal' as I thought the font itself looked quite good for a 'production company title' and could see how it would look authentic. Again I changed the colour to red but let the outline as a black as I think it looks darker that way compared to if we left it as white or the same shade of red. I do like this idea as well, but I think it might have looked better with maybe a bigger shadow around the outline.

~ The next font I looked at was 'Chrome One' as it seemed similar to the previous choice, but I thought it might be better. I don't like this idea as much as I like the others, for one thing I feel like it's too 'light' for a dark and creepy genre. There's too much white on the letters and not enough red being showed to make it 'bloody', this somehow makes the red a lighter shade which ruins the whole 'blood' effect thing. Again, the outline and shadow isn't as big and bold as I'd like it to be.

~ These two options are exactly the same apart from the direction of the gradient, on the first it's clearly going from black down to red whereas on the second it's black going up to red. It's the 'Keen' option and originally I thought this wasn't going to look effective as the default setting is a bright orange but I thought I would experiment and see where it went. I'm not sure on which one I prefer out of the two, I feel like the second one looks better in the way or appearance with the red being at the top going down to black but then with the first option there seems to be more black and it feels darker, I like that as I think it suits the horror/slasher genre better.

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