Saturday 16 November 2013

Target Audience of our Film Opening

Before we start officially filming, I just wanted to do a short blog post, officially stating who our target audience will be for our film opening.

Discussing it with my group, we decided, through deconstructions of age ratings and other research, that our film opening would be classed as a "15"- related to the intensity of gore shown through the extract that we will be making. The specification of a film rated 15 is shown below with comments made of how they relate to our film opening idea:

Any of the following may be included:
  • strong violence - there will be a lot of this
  • frequent strong language 
  • portrayals of sexual activity - prostitution will be a subject within the film opening
  • strong verbal references to sex
  • sexual nudity
  • brief scenes of sexual violence or verbal references to sexual violence
  • discriminatory language or behaviour
  • drug taking
The target audience, related to genre preference, will be those who like slasher films and are not bothered by blood and gore.

This, being classified, will help us in the process of creating the storyboards and when editing, making sure the product that we produce is acceptable within the requirements of this type of target audience.

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