Monday 18 November 2013

Our Film Opening Storyboard

Below shows the story board that we as a group planned. We tried to get all of the ideas that we have had so far into the sequence, linking to all the deconstructions and practical work that we have done through out this process, but also, relating to the result that we collected from our survey about the ideas we had for our film opening.

Drawing out the rough plan that we made together, I added notes about our ideas for camera angles and movement, costuming, lighting, sound and actions of the actors, where appropriate, along with small sketches of different shots that we would be taking.

All together, I feel as if my group and I now have a physical plan of what we are going to do, whereas before, we just had an idea. This storyboard is only our first, however, and due to time restraints of the two minuets and other aspects, the plan will probably change slightly to suit our circumstance more appropriately.

SHOT 1- Our production company animation will start off our opening sequence. This will be on a block screen with the animation that we will make run on top of it.

SHOT 2,3&4- Various changes in shot from over the shoulder shots to close ups to high angle shots of our victim running in a woods. The editing will be fast passed and various, symbolising panic and bringing tension to the scene, allowing the audience to see that she is in trouble and running away from something, or someone.

SHOT 5- At the end of the montage of different angled shots, an extreme close up will be taken of her eye showing tear marks and smudged makeup.

SHOT 6&7- This will be followed by a zooming in of her running away- symbolising the killer catching up with her.

SHOT 8- Followed by an over the shoulder shot of the killer pushing the victim against a tree.

SHOT 9- A zoom camera movement will go from the over the shoulder shot into the victims screaming mouth.

SHOT 10,11&12- Shot 10, 11 and 12 will be extreme close up shots of various stages in lighting where the killer is taking the victim back to his "hide out" and cutting into her

SHOT 12- This will be different as you will hear diegetic sounds of ripping and cutting and blood spurting, and see movement, to which the victim will finally be shown to be dead.

SHOT 13- The shots will then change to the killers point of view. It will show an over the shoulder shot of the killer cutting into his victim.

Shot 14&15- Changing shots of close ups and extreme close up shots of different parts of the killers body, showing the audience deformities and scars that he has.

SHOT 16- Then, a side close up shot of the killers face will be shown with the surgical mask on, hiding his features.

SHOT 17- After the killer finishes up, he takes a lump of body materials and places it into a bowl on the table next to his torture table.

SHOT 18&19- A mid shot of the killer standing up will appear, showing him to have gloves on, covered in dripping blood.

SHOT 20- Another close up shot will be shown of the killer turning a record player with the films "theme tune" will play.

SHOT 21- Then an over the shoulder shot of the killer sitting down and start writing in his diary will initiate the following disturbing "memories".

SHOT 22,23&24-As the killer is writing in the diary words such as "struggling", "blood pouring" and "death" will be shown. For example, "blood pouring" and the image of blood pouring out of the victims stomach will be shown in union on the screen, but only for a flash.

SHOT 25- As the scene is going through these different images, it also shows quick shots, getting closer and closer to the killer- building tension, along with the non-diegetic sound

SHOT 26- The final shot will be of the killers face showing some kind of shocking thing. We have not yet decided or confirmed this ending, but at this stage in planning and developing, this is what we plan to do.

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