Friday 29 November 2013

Deconstruction: Victims and Villains Clothing

Deconstruction of the outfits worn by the villains and victims:


~ The mysterious anonymous killer in ATM is never revealed, throughout the film he wears a winter coat with the hood up to hide his head. This is unusual as it seems like an ordinary item of clothing, not something a serial killer would wear, but the simple change of having the hood up and the use of lighting to darken out his face makes him appear so much more creepier and scary. 

~ The victims of this particular attack are three colleagues who have come from work, this is why the men are wearing smart business clothes, but slightly different shades so they don't look identical. The woman is dressed in a smart yet casual coat, possibly over smart work clothes so we can assume they all have a 'high-paid' successful job and are just three ordinary people stopping at an ATM. 
~ These outfits aren't typical of a victim from a slasher film but they are suitable to their individual characters, this gives me the idea that our costumes for our victim(s) should be linked to their personalities and attitudes, not just because they are the victim. What I found from researching victims is that their outfits are closely linked to either their jobs or personalities, so unless we go for a specific type of victim (which we might be) then our characters costume should be based around them.

A Nightmare on Elm Street:

~ Freddy Krueger's outfit in the A Nightmare on Elm Street franchise could have been considered ordinary (excluding his skin and hands) but has now become an iconic costume, related to the character and will also be connected with it. He is usually seen wearing a dark coloured trilby hat and a red and black stripy jumper with dark coloured trousers. If worn separately, they would look normal but when put together someone would instantly see the resemblence to Freddy Krueger.
~ Taking inspiration from outfits like these, I think it would be effective to have our character wear something slightly ordinary, but as it's them wearing it, they should make the items of clothing creepy and well-known to a killer. On the other hand, it can also be good to have something completely out of the ordinary but relatable to our villain.

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