In Se7en, seven people are killed and 2 of them were tied up. The Sloth sinner was tied to a bed for a year and his body began decaying - he was tied using leather belts and is blindfolded. Many people own leather belts so using those makes the crime seem more realistic and believable. The Sloth is in a bedroom which looks normal - there is a bed, a hospital trolley with a lamp and dozens of drugs on it, chairs around the room, and many tree car fresheners hanging from the ceiling to mask the smell of the decaying body.

The second victim has committed the sin of gluttony, he is obese, tied up and forced to eat so much that his stomach bursts thus killing him. He is tied using barbed wire which prevents him from moving because it cuts into his skin. This ties in well with the slasher convention of making the victim suffer as much as possible, for the killer's pleasure. If we were to use barbed wire in our project, the would implement the slasher genre to our audience.

In The Exorcist, the possessed girl is tied to her bed using long white strips of tightened fabric which does not seem as painful as barbed wire, but would still hurt her if she pulled on it. Her wrists and ankles are tied to everywhere around the bed to ensure she stays there. She is only young so her being treated like this makes the audience sympathetic towards her. However, once you see her face and how she behaves, you soon think otherwise. The bedroom she is in is undecorated, with dull colours used, and not very homely with pictures or teddy bears anywhere. This blandness puts more emphasis on the girl and the state she's in. Also, it creates s sense of eerieness in that no one has bothered to decorate it to make it look nice and for her to enjoy it.
In I Spit On Your Grave 2, one of the wonan's victims is tied against a wall using thick brown rope which does not look painful, but in fact is very harsh as it rubs against the skin. This leads to cuts and blisters which, again, is the typical slasher convention of causing pain and repulsive injuries. The man has been stripped of his clothing so his cuts and blood are visible to the audience. This tells them that the torture is not over and this is what grips the audience because they want to find out what happens next to the victim. The mise en scene used is very simple, he is tied to an undecorated brick wall which is crumbling, with the cement between the bricks visible to show that no care was given when making it. Also, he is tied up in a secluded place which is why it was never decorated because no one was really supposed to go there - a typical slasher convention of secluded places for murdering.
In True Blood, one of the characters is tied to a bed with his shirt undone so we can see the several cuts and blood smeared across his chest - similar to I Spit On Your Grave. The bed he is tied to is a simple metal bed with a dirty mattress on it. His wrists are tied using leather straps/belts and his ankles rope. These two materials are a typical horror and slasher convention to use when tying up someone. Low key lighting is used so the audience cannot see much of the room. From what we can see, it is not very decorated, and there is a shelf with jars and pots on it on top of the bed and a small ladder next to the bed. From this, we may infer that he is in a garage which is a small confined place where people normally expect cars to be, not injured victims.
The theme with all these deconstructions I have chosen is that the victims are tied using rope or leather belts. As mentioned above, these are materials found in any home which is what makes the death/torture seem even more realistic and this haunts the audience. A lot of the people are tied to beds because it is ironic - beds = comfort and relaxation, and the victims finitely are not comfortable or relaxed, you sleep on them and sleep = vulnerability, as they are tied up they are exposed for the killer to do anything to them. Also, when someone is being killed, low key lighting is a very common horror and slasher convention because darkness = bad and you cannot see well in low key lighting so it, again, makes the victim more vulnerable which scares the audience because anything could happen to them.
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