Friday 22 November 2013

Deconstruction of the Timing of Titles & Typography

Haunting in Connecticut:
 - fading is used to transition from picture to picture
 - straight cuts for sequences of operation (scissors, dead mans head)
 - as music becomes more out of tune and higher, zooming to show diff pics changes to flashes with camera shutter sounds, some straight cuts still used
 - different pictures of people with dead bodies are shown almost every second (I have not included all in the timeline), this makes the audience question who these people are and how they died
 - common font Bradley Hand as used for some of the titles - this makes it seem quite unprofessional because the font should have been more unique


 - many titles used, the font looked like informal handwriting which fits in with the diary (which is also shown in the opening)
 - we should have our titles in handwriting typography because we also have a diary in our film opening
 - the titles came on in flashes and moved around so to create a fast and more dramatic pace to a simple opening title scene
 - short sequences of what the killer does (e.g. shaving off fringerprints, crossing out particular words - similar to ours) gives an insight into how obsessed the killer is, and this intrigues the audience.


Insidious: (as mentioned in previous post )
 - also has many titles, the typography is in capitals and the title Insidious is in bold to make it look more dramatic and sinister. Also, it is in red which symbolises danger and blood, and ironically love and lust.
 - with the titles, scenes of the house are shown and are in balck and white which create an eerie atmosphere which scares the audience because it gives off a haunted feel


Overall, for our final project we could include pictures which we zoom into to highlight aspects to the audience, as in Haunting in Connecticut, because that will emphaisise the killer's obsession with death and pregnant women. Also, we could incorporate the titles so they are over these pictures and scenes, as in Se7en and Insidious, and we could have some of the pictures in black and white as this is eerie. The timing of the titles should be that we have the main production companies at the beginning then the title of the film right at the end, with dramatic music - inspired by Haunting in Connecticut because that film opening was very disturbing which is what our group is aiming for, as it is a slasher.

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