Friday 22 November 2013

Practical Investigation of Wooded Area & Lighting of Garage

I am investigating wooded area because the questionnaire's feedback suggested the audience wanted a death scene in a wooded area. So, I went to Frank's Park and took pictures:

 In the park there were many 'clearings' in the middle of a patch of green and this could easily be acsessed. So, we could kill our victim in one of the spaces because it is surrounded by trees and bushes so it would seem more secretive.

There were many oddly shaped trees, including the biggest tree in the park. < This tree with its thick, spurted branches resembles the tree in 'Don't Let Him In' where the killer hung the victims' limbs from
Here is another strange looking tree, and the patch of grass underneath it had been worn away. This would be a perfect place to corner victim, especially with the branches enveloping that area so, again, the death scene in that spot would be secret.
 Here, there are bushes and trees and a dark spot under some bushes and this could be, perhaps, where the victims tries to hide if we were to do that in the project.

In the park, there are many pathways between large bushes and you cannot see much further because it becomes dark. This would be a very good place for when the victim is trying to run away from the killer at the beginning of our opening because it incorporates the wooded area suggestion from the questionnaire and ties in with the slasher and horror conventions of the death scene taking place in a dark and secluded area.

Here is another pathway, near the large tree. It does not have a prominent pathway like the one above so it looks more discreet, and would seem more mysterious to the audience as to where the victim is running to. However, if we were to use one of these two pathways, I would suggest the one above because it does have a visible pathway and the end curves round so you cannot see where the path will lead the victim. This will scare the audience because they will begin to wonder if the victim does manage to run away from the killer.

There are 2 light bulbs in the garage so I took a picture of them turned on individually, and then together. The second one is brighter than the first and if we were to put the desk underneath this one, the light would be able to illuminate the diary and the killer well, unlike the first light (we would bring additional lighting for filming). The first light is dimmer than the second however low key lighting is a very common convention in slasher films as it prevents the victim from seeing where the killer is - scaring the audience more as they do not know when they will attack.
Both the lights on together illuminates the entire garage and you can see everything clearly. However, high key lighting is not a typical slasher convention and also, it would not terrify the audience.

I changed the settings of my camera so the lighting was more enhanced. This illuminates the room very well, even the dimmest light bulb appears to be very bright. This light would make the killer's actions very visible to the audience however high key lighting is not a slasher convention so this would not be appropriate for our final project.

In conclusion, the lights which are already there would be good for the final project because a single light bulb (not both on at the same time - too bright) produces low key lighting and darkness is a typical slasher convention. We would place the desk under the dimmest bulb so the garage would be in low key lighting so to make the scene more intense.
Also, Frank's Park would be a good place to film a death scene because of the pathways leading to the unknown - this scaring the audience as they are not in the know and would wonder where the victim will end up. Also, the strangely shaped trees would create an eerie and slightly disturbing atmosphere which is what we are aiming for, as this is a slasher.

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