Saturday 12 October 2013

Camera Angles Investigation

The low angle shot was used to make the vampire look more powerful and make the victim seem weaker compared to the vampire. It makes the vampire look stronger and dominating so she's scarier.

Using a long shot for the vampire in this circumstance could also show how she is lonely and needs to attack in order to feel like she has a purpose. It could also be that she is getting ready to attack again because she may be waiting for someone.

Using a midshot makes you focus on both the vampire's claw-like hand and the victim in front. This makes it look like the vampire is getting ready to attack and the victim is running away. A midshot is good because it shows what both the characters are doing without using a basic two shot.

The high angle shot makes the victim look very vulnerable and denotes her. Also, this angle could be how the vampire sees her victims; small, powerless and worthless.

This over the shoulder angle makes the viewer of the picture feel more involved - like they were there when the victim was being attacked. This also makes it scarier because the viewer feels powerless as they cannot stop the attack.

The point of the view shot of the bin makes it seem like the viewer is the person putting out the bins so it feels more realistic. The strangling point of view makes the viewer feel like they are the one strangling the victim and makes them feel involved but impotent.

This extreme close up reveals the special effects make-up on the finger and highlights the horror and gore of it. The extreme close up of the eye shows the bruises and blood properly and both pictures of the 'injuries' makes you shudder.

These 2 close up shots of the victim's faces makes you squirm and pity them because it highlights their 'injuries'.

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