Friday 25 October 2013

Lighting Investigaiton for the killer and the victims

As we have really starting to look how we will be able to film our idea for our film opening, I felt that it would be worth my time to look at the different lighting used in other slasher films, and how the killer and the victims differ in the lighting that they are exposed to.

I looked at five different extracts from different you tube clips of slasher movies. The best places, I found, that you can really see the contrast in lighting between the killer and his victims is when he is attacking them, and so most of the extracts are of the death scenes within the films.

In this extract, the main killer is always shown to be highlighting her face, but adding shadow to the eyes and other areas, to add the sense of mystery and secrets that her character would portray. She is also shown with a back-lighting, as shown in the screen shots to the left and right, adding to the her mystery, but also making her look dominant and more intimidating.

There are two victims that she is trying to kill. An older woman, and a young man. The young man is her first subject, and the lighting on him is shown to be quite harsh and open, as if he is being put uncomfortably exposed. The second victim, as shown above, is more in the shadows, even compared to the killer before he is killed, making it so that the audience are focused on the first victim and the killer most of all.

 When the killer turns onto her second victim, the older woman, the light becomes harsh and exposed on this victim, signifying to the audience that it is now her turn to be killed.

The main aspect of this extract that i really liked was the back light coming from behind the killer, making a silhouette of the bottom of the cloak that she is wearing, and the mask on her face. This makes the killer look more intimidating because of the fact that you cant see the dark suit that she has on, only the white face. The back light also makes her look superior, having her in the background, as one of her victims, with harsh street lighting poring down on him as he dies slowly and painfully.

The whole image has low key lighting- as it is at night.

Within this clip of the final scene in Orphan, the two victims are the mother and child, and the killer is the orphan. 

The overall lighting is similar to the other extracts that i have looked at. The lighting is quite harsh on the victims, and highlighting but casting shadows on the killer. To the left, you can see a screen shot where the victims are shown with this lighting, the expressions on their faces showing their despair and grief over their, supposedly over, ordeal with the killer.

Through the sequence, there were a few scenes where one of the victims and the killer were both silhouetted, shown to the left, amidst their "fight to the death". This is a really nice lighting effect, denoting that the result of the fight is unknown, and is still going on, and the contrast of the black shadows and the white snow and ice could symbolise the innocence of the victims and the evil of the killer.

The killer, as shown to the right, is always shown to be in a low key lighting, emitting the mystery and unpredictable tendencies of her nature.

The last two you tube extracts that i found, both were collections of death scenes, and the confrontation of victim and killer. This is what i took from them:

In every killer is shadowed, and in low- key lighting with aspects of their features highlighted. And every victim had harsh lighting, showing off their terrified features, their venerability and showing their exposure to the killers wrath:




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