Leatherface's costume in Texas Chainsaw Massacre is a normal workshop man's outfit - a t-shirt, trousers and apron. However, he is often carrying around his chainsaw and hurting/killing people, and this shows because his clothes are ripped and dirty with splatters of blood on them. This tells us that he does not change his clothes - he is more concerned about killing people.
The killer's costume in ATM is very realistic, it is a man wearing a dark coat with a fur hood and dark trousers. Because of the hood, we cannot see his face so he remains anonymous, similar to the examples above. As his clothes are realistic and many people wear that today, it is menancing this makes the movie more effective and scary.
The costume from Scream follows the conventions of it being dark and consisting of something which covers the killer's face. Darkness is associated with evil, death and bad and it blends in with the night which is when most killers attack. Plus, the ragged ends of the 'wings' could be ironic - good = white, wings = angelic but in this case, bad = black and ragged wings = trouble.

A slasher convention is for the killers to hold their weapons in their hands as a way of indicating that they are going to kill and to have their face disguised to add more suspense as the killer remains anonymous to us. Also, wearing dark clothing to camoflauge in with the night and/or the clothing being worn-out and ragged is also a typical horror and slasher convention. So, our killer should wear dark clothing, which could be realistic, such as a t-shirt and jeans because, like ATM, it makes it more scary because it is believable.
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