Tuesday 15 October 2013

Location Investigation

For my investigation into locations, I decided to look into what was easily available to us as a group on my end. This included attics, sheds, basements and other rooms within my house, and my families houses, that we could possibly.

The first location that I found would be good was small separate room to the house within my grandparents one. This room, however decorated and organised to their tastes, my grandparents have agreed that if we wish to use this room, we can take the furniture out, and make it look more how we wish it to look like in our film opening.

The reason that I chose this room was because of its seclusion to the rest of the house, the front door and windows leading to the garden that it has, the smallness of the room itself, and them finally the fact that it has a kitchen attached to it, which could be used as a feature within the film opening- as the killer washes his hands of blood in the sink for example.

Below shows a short video that Ii took within the room, showing the lighting, and the appearance of the room itself.

I then looked at the attic in my house for a location. Attics are generally used as a convention in slashers, but it could be a bit cliche so we are not sure yet if we would want to use somewhere like this. However, i did go up into my attic to see the suitability of it for our film opening idea.

 The features that would be good, if we were to make this our location are as follows:

The windows showing the light- possibly used as a representation of the freedom for the victim, as the door is in Raman's garage.

The space in my attic is okay, there are still quite a lot of "things" that we would have to clear out, to make it suitable. There are also these wooden beams that could be a positive, adding to the un-decorated look of the attic, but negative if they get in the way.

As shown on the left, there is a brick wall, that we could use as a feature within the film opening in the attic, but we would have to move a few boxes to be able to use it.

The best feature of my attic, i feel, is the "hole" that we use to get up and down. When the little door is closed, it looks like a small hide out place, that we could possibly use to show where the killer keeps all of his weapons and the rest of his equipment.

Below is a small video that i did when up in the attic, to show my thoughts, and how it looks on video:

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