Thursday 17 October 2013

Killers Diary

After having an idea, as a group, of what we want our film opening coursework to contain, we decided that a key prop within the two minuets that we had would be a "diary" containing a collection of the killers "work" kept within it.

It would hold photographs of his murders, newspaper clippings, notes about his pray, etc. But to get a better idea of what we could do, I completed an investigation into different slasher films that used a diary or a journal as a prop for the killer to write in.


This is a small collage that i put together of all the shots within the opening scene that you see of the diary used by the killer in Se7en. The shots are made up of the writing that he input within the pages, photographs that he took, and that he collected, but destroyed; clippings from newspapers and specific words that have been blacked out are present also.

An interesting feature that i found from watching this film opening sequence with the diary, is that not a lot of its contents is really shown. Only quick snippets that are repeated and selective are
shown. This would make it much easier if we do in fact make a diary that we use within the film opening, as we would only have to make a few of the many pages look detailed enough to be within the shots of the opening.

The Fall

This is another collage that I created from all the shots  you see of the diary in the third episode of The Fall. The diary that Paul- the killer- writes in is just a lined paper pad. From the clips that you see of it, he seems to do more drawings, and collages of photographs and pencil work, compared to writing, and the subject of the contents of the book is all the same- of women, and them being positioned on a bed.

He seems to be obsessed with women, and the way that he kills them is not in a slasher theme, but in a gentle, ritualistic fashion where he strangles them, washes them and then poses them on the bed, in exactly the same way.

This is a really good idea for us, for if and/or when we make a diary for a killer, of our own, we can take aspects of the ritualistic way of killing, and reflect this in our killers twisted expression of his pieces, in his diary.

Also, again, not a lot of the diary is actually shown, only sections of it, linking to the diary in Seven, which helps us as we don't have to make every page interesting to the viewer, as they wont see every page.

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