In Silence of the Lambs, the security guard has his abdomen ripped open and is hung from a cell with his arms up and feet together. With the use of back lighting behind the victim and the way his body is positioned, the guard resembles a guardian angel. This is ironic - good (guard) vs bad (prisoner) and bad won and he positioned the guard as if to show the defeat of goodness.
In Don't Let Him In, the killer hacks off people's limbs and hangs them from a large tree in. The bodies are very bloody and muddy from where he ruthlessly killed them in his 'cave', and you can see their insides, like muscles and bones, which makes the bodies more realistic. For our project, we should make the victim's insides quite visible and graphic so to make the murder more realistic.

In The Crazies, one of the victims has his eyes and mouth stitched, however he is still alive. He tries to open them but his eyes start bleeding which makes this more gruesome and painful. In our project, the killer is cutting open pregnant women however, he will not be stitching them up, allowing them to bleed to death. If we were to change the story and make him stitch them, as in this film, we could use cotton thread and not medical stitches because everyone has cotton thread at home, but it is used for clothes not bodies so it would be more authentic.
In Mirrors, the mirror controls the victim into ripping open her jaw and sitting in the bath in order to bleed to death. You can see her skin ripping and tendons which makes it realistic - a slasher convention is to make victim's insides as accurate as possible so to make the murders look believable.
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