Saturday 12 October 2013

Lighting Investigation

These images show an Under Lighting shot of my model. Under Lighting is the lighting where the source is underneath the subject. The shadows cast, and the effect of this type of shot adds an intimidating effect to this model, making them look mysterious. The darkened eyes and unnatural smile adds a tense, eerie atmosphere to the image, making it look almost supernatural with the speckled lighting shown under the subjects chin.

The image shown here shows a Back Lighting shot, with the light source behind my model, producing a silhouette. The effect of this type of lighting gives mystery, tension and a dominant feel to the image. In the shot, you can see my model standing in a menacing stance, looking threatening to the viewer. The image was produced with the back light being a lit up room in the background of the silhouette, and the model standing in a darkened outdoor surrounding.

This is a High Key Lighting Shot, showing a girl having scraped up her leg, sitting down and inspecting the wound. The image is bright with “natural lighting”, and would usually give a happy atmosphere, but with the gory sight before the viewer, it gives a contrasting effect of repulsion. This shot was taken in the outdoors, with various lighting appliances, highlighting the model to give the High Lighting Shot.

This Low Key Lighting shot show the model standing in front of a door, looking slightly on guard and frightened. The image is dark with sections of light and dark, showing a tense atmosphere. This shot was taken in a room with all of the lights off, with a back light coming from the outside street lamp.

Here we have a top lighting shot where the whole face has been lit up, with the light source coming from the top/front. This type of lighting is meant to portray a clear view of the model/scene, and to emit its beauty, however, this image is producing a contrasting effect with the gory view of the model showing their face to have cuts of the cheeks, extending their smile, giving a eerie, unnatural look.

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